Why dept7
by Joseph Rueter
A friend recently asked "What are you chiefly good at?" My response was without hesitation that I am a thinker and a strategic one at that.
I thought the question was fantastic, however, it caused me to ask why I am not expressing the thing that I am chiefly good at in a public way. See, I think and build perspectives on all sorts of topics but I don't often share.
It took a few days but when the pieces fell together on this issue it occurred to me that a few road blocks were in the way and that if I wanted to express thoughts via writing in public I'd need to attend to them. Here are just a few.
One, I am more than what I write.
For sometime I've had my name as a URL and I've used that URL as the domain for my blog. The problem with this is that I am so much more than what I write or what's found when hitting enter on the URL. It seems obvious now, even a bit silly, but one of the reasons I've not been sharing thoughts in public is that I had a conceptual block on the branding of the blog I was maintaining. I thought that whatever posts I'd write would need, in some way to connect to who I was/am. My name was on the site after all. So, I've obtained dept7.com and feel much more free to write without a direct connection to the results of that writing defining who I am.
Two, I want a lab.
Over a year ago a different friend and I were talking about the future and he said point blank "You want a lab." The phrase resonated and I whole heartedly agreed. There is something refreshingly crisp about thinking of a blog as a lab. Ideas can be found, tested, refined and tinkered with in a lab.
Three, labs are about aiming for the future and making progress.
I've not been thinking in public because I've valued perfect over progress. The number of posts I've drafted to the point of being ready to publish but have withheld hitting "publish" due to some unsolved point of contention, or potential blind spot to "haters," are far too numerous. With this lab that'll hopefully change by design.
So... dept7.
dept7 is about providing a lab like space for ideas to be to formed from learning and experiences and shared in a public way. Ideas need space to be aired, space to be shared, space to grow and space mature.
Welcome to dept7.