

I’m Joseph.

The Absolute Best Post We've Seen Regarding Autonomous Mobility

The Absolute Best Post We've Seen Regarding Autonomous Mobility

Jan Chipchase is a design researcher we've been following for sometime. He and team constantly deliver new insights. Thanks all!

Go read his recent post regarding autonomous cars. Fresh new ideas can be found like: 

• Car baiting - Where a drone messes with an autonomous car.
• ConvoyAds - Where Ad agencies co-op the driverless to blanket cities with messages.
• Captcha Street Furniture - As a way to detect the robot cars in the road and turn them away. Going vinyl, ADWB and more. 

This one is very worth the read. Link.

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You Don't Have to Drive a Van

You Don't Have to Drive a Van

Your Dataset + Some AI Equals?

Your Dataset + Some AI Equals?