

I’m Joseph.

Episode One. Wait... 4.

Episode One. Wait... 4.

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We all have previous episodes, back stories.

My family has been watching Star Wars for the first time together. I have two observations to share.

  • When I was a kid, I watched number 4 first. It was the first one. My eldest wanted to watch the first one first. She has that luxury. So we did and watched my first one as the forth in the series. The opening scenes have a much different meaning when watching it with back story in mind. Vader was ordering the death of his daughter, not just some girl from alderaan as I had thought when I first watched it.  And that leads me to this. We all have back episodes. All the people you work with do too. Your understanding other people has a lot to do with understanding previous episodes. Go figure. No really. So, what back episodes have you shared or not shared with your colleagues that could explain your behavior at work?

  • Wouldn’t it all just be a lot easier if the people from both the rebels and not rebels would just dress their part I real life?

OK. That’s that. Maybe you need to dress in the other teams outfits once in a while. But, do your past right and not only know your story buyt unpack it and maybe even share it, eh!



Push it past it's extreme

Push it past it's extreme